Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Acts 16:3 (Timothy being prepared to go with the Apostle Paul) "Him (Timothy) would Paul have go forth with him: and took and circumcised him because of the Jews which were in those quarters: for they knew all that his father was a Greek"
Life is filled with choices.
For a Christian the choices begin with "Is this right?" Yet it does not end there.
You see Paul had Timothy circumcised not out of a question of right or wrong. We know this because the Bible is clear that circumcision (along with any law keeping) is not required for salvation.
Then why? Because Paul was asking the second question that we all should ask "What is best for the cause of Christ?"
This one act was best for the work of God in Timothy's life at this time.
The question for us today is this. "Are we doing what is best for the cause of Christ?"
Are we willing to ask God to show us what we should change, add or alter within our daily choices so that the work of Christ can be more effective?
This year we are being challenged to pray "Lord, glorify yourself at my expense today."
Asking and dealing with the question of what is best for the cause of Christ is a good way to practice that prayer!
Hope you have a great week serving our great God.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

"And when thou prayest...." Matthew 6:5
The questions to start the year with : "When are we going to pray? Where are we going to pray? How are we going to track it?"
The reality of life is that we tend to do that which we plan to do. The pratical result is that if we do not plan to pray we will not do so with any regularlity.
I would like to challenge each of us do the following:
(1) Select a quiet time program that works for you. One that will guide you through a systematic reading of God's word.
Note: If you don't have one we would be glad to send you information on the one we offer at church.
(2) Develop a prayer list for each day.
(3) Set a time within your daily schedule that you will spend time listening to God (by reading your bible) and talking to God (by prayer)/
(4) Choose a place. The same place. That you can mark as the place you have your quiet time.
May 2013 be a year in which our daily walk with the Lord becomes more real.
This will happen as we spend more time one on one with God. And do so on a regular bases.
If you would like more information about having a quiet time or have any questions please let me know.
Hope you have a great week and a wonderful year!